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- Jankowski, M.S., Griffith, D., Shastry, D.G., Pelham, J.F., Ginell, G.M., Thomas, J., Karande, P., Holehouse, A.S., Hurley, J.M.. (2024) "Disordered clock protein interactions and charge blocks turn an hourglass into a persistent circadian oscillator," Nature Communication 15
- Tener, S.J., Kim, C.E., Lee, J., Oraedu, K., Gatto, J.A., Chang, T.Y., Lam, C., Schanta, R., Jankowski, M.S., Park, S.J., Hurley, J.M., Ulgherait, M., Canman, J.C., Ja, W.W., Collins, D.B., Shirasu-Hiza, M.. (2024) "Investigating the consequences of chronic short sleep for metabolism and survival of oxidative stress,"
- Chuah J, Cordi C, Hahn J, Hurley J.M.. (2024) "Dual-Approach Co-expression Analysis Framework (D-CAF) Enables Identification of Novel Circadian Regulation From Multi-Omic Timeseries Data. ," BMC Bioinformatics In Press
- Banerjee, P.R., Holehouse, A.S., Kriwacki, R., Robustelli, P., Jiang, H., Sobolevsky, A., Hurley, J.M., Mendell, J.. (2024) "Dissecting the biophysics and biology of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs)," Trend in Biochemical Sciences 49 (2)
- Sutton, L.B., Hurley, J.M.. (2024) "Circadian Regulation of Physiology by Disordered Protein-Protein Interactions," Current Opinion in Structural Biology 84
- Clark, G.T., Hurley, J.M.. (2023) "Circadian Rhythms," Reference Module in the Life Sciences
- Pelham, J.F., Mosier, A.E., Altshuler, S.C., Rhodes, M.L., Kirchhoff, C.L., Fall, W.B., Mann, C., Baik, L.S., Chiu, J.C., Hurley, J.M.. (2023) "Conformational changes in the negative arm of the circadian clock correlate with dynamic interactomes involved in post-transcriptional regulation.," Cell Reports 42 (4)
- Muthukumarasamy, I., Buel, S.M., Hurley, J.M., Dordick, J.. (2023) "NOX2 inhibition enables retention of the circadian clock in BV2 microglia and primary macrophages," Journal of Neuroinflammation, Frontiers in Immunology
- Clark, G.T., Yu, Y., Urban, C.A., Fu, G., Wang, C., Zhang, F., Linhardt, R.J., Hurley, J.M.. (2022) "Circadian Control of Heparan Sulfate Levels Times Phagocytosis of Amyloid Beta Aggregates," PLOS Genetic
- Cervantes-Silva, M.P., Carroll, R.G., Mieszko, M.W., Moreira, D., Cloe, A.P., O‘Siorain, J.R., Cox, S.L., Fagan, L.E., Klavina, P.A., He, Y., Drewinski, T., McGinley, A., Buel, S.M., Timmons, G.A., Early, J.O., Preston, R.S., Hurley, J.M., Finlay, D.K., Schoen, I., Sánchez-Garciá, F.J., Mills, K.H.G., Curtis, A.M. . (2022) "The circadian clock influences T cell responses to vaccination by regulating dendritic cell antigen processing," Nature Communications (1)
- Buel, S.M., Debopadhaya, S., De los Santos, H., Edwards, K.M., David, A.H., Dao, U.H., Bennett, K.P., Hurley, J.M. . (2022) "The PAICE Suite Reveals Circadian Post-Transcriptional Timing of Non-Coding RNAs and Spliceosome Components in Mus musculus Macrophages," G3 (9)
- Mosier, A.E., Hurley, J.M.. (2021) "Circadian Interactomics: How Research into Protein-Protein Interactions Beyond the Core Clock has Influenced the Model of Circadian Timekeeping," Journal of Biological Rhythms
- Hurley, J.M.. (2021) "Could COVID-19 eliminate the alarm clock?," Science Translational Medicine 13 (577)
- Collins, E.J., Cervantes-Silva, M.P., Timmons, G.A., O’Siorain, J.R., Curtis, A.M., Hurley, J.M.. (2021) "Post-Transcriptional Circadian Regulation in Macrophages Organizes Temporally Distinct Immunometabolic States," Genome Research In Press
- Hurley, J.M. . (2020) "Can your diet change your clock?," Science Translational Medicine (572)
- De Los Santos, H., Bennett, K.P., Hurley, J.M. . (2020) "MOSAIC: A Joint Modeling Methodology for Combined Circadian and Non-Circadian Analysis of Multi-Omics Data," Bioinformatics
- Hurley, J.M. . (2020) "Can eating help treat malaria?," Science Translational Medicine 12 (561)
- Hurley, J.M. . (2020) "Could gut flora cycles be key to treating diabetes?," Science Translational Medicine 12 (553)
- Pelham, JF, Dunlap, JC, Hurley, JM . (2020) "Intrinsic disorder is an essential characteristic of components in the conserved circadian circuit," Cell Communication and Signaling 18 (1)
- Jankowski, M., Chase, Z., Hurley, J.M.. (2020) "From genetics to molecular oscillations: the circadian clock in Neurospora crassa," The Mycota, In Press
- Hurley, J.M. . (2020) "The tick tock of toxicity," Science Translational Medicine 12 (530)
- De los Santos H, Collins EJ, Mann C, Sagan AW, Jankowski MS, Bennett KP, Hurley JM. (2020) "ECHO: an application for detection and analysis of oscillators identifies metabolic regulation on genome-wide circadian output," Bioinformatics 36 (3), 773-781
- De los Santos H, Bennett KP, Hurley JM. (2019) "ENCORE: A Visualization Tool for Insight into Circadian Omics," ACM BCB (2019), 5-14
- Pelham JF, Mosier AE, Hurley JM. (2018) "Characterizing Time-of-Day Conformational Changes in the Intrinsically Disordered Proteins of the Circadian Clock," Methods Enzymol (611), 503-529
- Hurley JM, Jankowski MS, De los Santos H, Crowell AM, Fordyce SB, Zucker JD, Kumar N, Purvine SO, Robinson EW, Shukla A, Zink E, Cannon WR, Baker SE, Loros JJ, Dunlap JC. (2018) "Circadian Proteomic Analysis Uncovers Mechanisms of Post-Transcriptional Regulation in Metabolic Pathways," Cell Syst. 7 (6), 613-626
- William R. Cannon, Jeremy D. Zucker, Douglas J. Baxter, Neeraj Kumar, Scott E. Baker, Jennifer M. Hurley, Jay C. Dunlap. (2018) "Prediction of Metabolite Concentrations, Rate Constants and Post-Translational Regulation Using Maximum Entropy-Based Simulations with Application to Central Metabolism of Neurospora crassa," Processes 6 (6)
- Hughes ME, Abruzzi KC, Allada R, Anafi R, Arpat AB, Asher G, Baldi P, de Bekker C, Bell-Pedersen D, Blau J, Brown S, Ceriani MF, Chen Z, Chiu JC, Cox J, Crowell AM, DeBruyne JP, Dijk DJ, DiTacchio L, Doyle FJ, Duffield GE, Dunlap JC, Eckel-Mahan K, Esser KA, FitzGerald GA, Forger DB, Francey LJ, Fu YH, Gachon F, Gatfield D, de Goede P, Golden SS, Green C, Harer J, Harmer S, Haspel J, Hastings MH, Herzel H, Herzog ED, Hoffmann C, Hong C, Hughey JJ, Hurley JM, de la Iglesia HO, Johnson C, Kay SA, Koike N, Kornacker K, Kramer A, Lamia K, Leise T, Lewis SA, Li J, Li X, Liu AC, Loros JJ, Martino TA, Menet JS, Merrow M, Millar AJ, Mockler T, Naef F, Nagoshi E, Nitabach MN, Olmedo M, Nusinow DA, Ptáček LJ, Rand D, Reddy AB, Robles MS, Roenneberg T, Rosbash M, Ruben MD, Rund SSC, Sancar A, Sassone-Corsi P, Sehgal A, Sherrill-Mix S, Skene DJ, Storch KF, Takahashi JS, Ueda HR, Wang H, Weitz C, Westermark PO, Wijnen H, Xu Y, Wu G, Yoo SH, Young M, Zhang EE, Zielinski T, Hogenesch JB. (2017) "Guidelines for Genome-Scale Analysis of Biological Rhythm," J Biol Rhythms 32 (5), 380-393
- Hannah De los Santos, Emily J Collins, Jennifer M Hurley, Kristin P Bennett. (2017) "Circadian Rhythms in Neurospora Exhibit Biologically Relevant Driven and Damped Harmonic Oscillations," Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics , 455-463
- Coldsnow KD, Relyea RA, Hurley JM. (2017) "Evolution to environmental contamination ablates the circadian clock of an aquatic sentinel species," Ecol Evol. 7 (23), 10339-10349
- Dekhang R, Wu C, Smith KM, Lamb TM, Peterson M, Bredeweg EL, Ibarra O, Emerson JM, Karunarathna N, Lyubetskaya A, Azizi E, Hurely JM, Dunlap JC, Galagan JE, Freitag M, Sachs MS, Bell-Pedersen D. (2016) "The Neurospora Transcription Factor ADV-1 Transduces Light Signals and Temporal Information to Control Rhythmic Expression of Genes Involved in Cell-Fusion," G3 (Bethesda)
- Hurley JM, Loros JJ, Dunlap JC. (2016) "Circadian Oscillators: Around the Transcription-Translation Feedback Loop and on to Output," Trends Biochem Sci
- Conrad KS, Hurley JM, Widom J, Ringelberg CS, Loros JJ, Dunlap JC, Crane BR. (2016) "Structure of the frequency-interacting RNA helicase: a protein interaction hub for the circadian clock," EMBO J
- Hurley JM, Loros JJ, Dunlap JC. (2015) "The circadian system as an organizer of metabolism," Fungal Genet Biol.
- Hurley JM, Dasgupta A, Andrews P, Crowell AM, Ringelberg C, Loros JJ, Dunlap JC. (2015) "A Tool Set for the Genome Wide Analysis of Neurospora crassa by RT-PCR," G3 (Bethesda)
- Hurley J, Loros JJ, Dunlap JC. (2014) "Dissecting the mechanisms of the clock in Neurospora," Methods Enzymol
- Hurley JM, Dasgupta A, Emerson JM, Zhou X, Ringelberg CS, Knabe N, Lipzen AM, Lindquist EA, Daum CG, Barry KW, Grigoriev IV, Smith KM, Galagan JE, Bell-Pedersen D, Freitag M, Cheng C, Loros JJ, Dunlap JC. (2014) "Analysis of clock-regulated genes in Neurospora reveals widespread posttranscriptional control of metabolic potential," Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111 (48), 16995-7002
- Hurley JM, Larrondo LF, Loros JJ, Dunlap JC. (2013) "Conserved RNA helicase FRH acts nonenzymatically to support the intrinsically disordered neurospora clock protein FRQ," Mol Cell 52 (6), 832-43
- Hurley JM, Dunlap JC. (2013) "Cell biology: A fable of too much too fast," Nature 495 (7439), 57-8
- Rothenbacher FP, Suzuki M, Hurley JM, Montville TJ, Kirn TJ, Ouyang M, Woychik NA. (2012) "Clostridium difficile MazF toxin exhibits selective, not global, mRNA cleavage," J Bacteriol 194 (13), 3464-74
- Hurley JM, Chen CH, Loros JJ, Dunlap JC. (2012) "Light-inducible system for tunable protein expression in Neurospora crassa," 2 (10), 1207-12
- Hurley JM, Cruz JW, Ouyang M, Woychik NA. (2011) "Bacterial toxin RelE mediates frequent codon-independent mRNA cleavage from the 5' end of coding regions in vivo," J Biol Chem 286 (17), 14770-8
- Arbing MA, Handelman SK, Kuzin AP, Verdon G, Wang C, Su M, Rothenbacher FP, Abashidze M, Liu M, Hurley JM, Xiao R, Acton T, Inouye M, Montelione GT, Woychik NA, Hunt JF. (2010) "Crystal structures of Phd-Doc, HigA, and YeeU establish multiple evolutionary links between microbial growth-regulating toxin-antitoxin systems," Structure 18 (8), 996-1010
- Hurley JM, Woychik NA. (2009) "Bacterial toxin HigB associates with ribosomes and mediates translation-dependent mRNA cleavage at A-rich sites," J Biol Chem 284 (28), 18605-13
- Kinzy TG, De Stefano LA, Esposito AM, Hurley JM, Roy R, Valentin-Acevedo AJ, Chang KH, Davila J, Defren JM, Donovan J, Irizarry-Barreto P, Soto A, Ysla RM, Copeland HL, Copeland PR. (2008) "A birth-to-death view of mRNA from the RNA recognition motif perspective," Biochem Mol Biol Educ 36 (1), 7-8